Is emotional eating ruling your life?

Do you know the difference?

Hunger is either responsive (Physical) or reactive (Emotional).

The main triggers for emotional/reactive eating is usually linked to past or present stress/trauma, belief systems, learnt behaviours, shitty sleep, boredom, nutritional deficiencies or not eating the right balance of foods at the right time.

When I first started my own Metabolic Balance ® journey. I was amazed (and at times shocked) to discover a new found awareness around my own eating behaviours.

Prior to MB ® skipping meals was my norm as many health practitioners and service based workers will attest, lunch breaks don't always happen when they're scheduled. This bad habit became a lot worse when covid hit, I began working from home and was under prolonged non-covid related stress outside my control. I'd eat relatively well, but "snack-ccidents" were commonplace. The irregular eating and constant snacking (albeit healthy but not always) meant I felt bloated, foggy, negative and blah!!! My skin broke out and my joints ached. My metabolism felt majorly out of whack and I was gaining weight at a rapid pace.

Post MB ® that all disappeared and I developed a healthier and happier awareness around my food habits. I was finally breaking bad habits and fueling my body the way she needed to be fueled. It was as simple as eating 3 balanced wholefood meals at regular intervals every day. I was actually eating more than ever, but lost 6kgs...with no extra exercise on my part.

If you've got a swag of negative self talk happening around food or feel like shit because of your existing choices......then maybe it's time to invite those thoughts/choices to dinner, process them and make peace with them.

It's never too late to create a better story for yourself.

Awareness is the first step.

There's a freedom that comes from responding to your body's needs, rather than reacting to them.

Was my experience 100% flawless? Absolutely not!
Did I fall off the wagon? Yep multiple times!
Did falling off the wagon enlighten me to my own accountability and trigger the realization I needed more self care? Yep...that's exactly what negative self talk....just more compassion for where I was at.

Just remember....

Food is meant to be a fun and joyful experience.

The joy of eating is meant to feel expansive and nourishing, not just for your body but for your mind and soul too.

"When you learn how to eat properly for your unique body type, your ideal weight is easier to maintain, you have more energy, sleep better, experience less brain fog and feel amazing in your own skin"

If you're sick of the dieting merry-go round, and looking for a purely wholefood solution. Let's chat!

Book your free Metabolic Balance ® Discovery call