Is snacking between meals a good idea?

Well that depends on a few factors *, but the short answer is NO!

(* Note this advice is not applicable to body builders, athletes, pregnant or breast feeding women, kids and folks with certain health conditions).

Regular snacking disrupts digestion:

It takes your digestive system approximately 6+ hours to digest a meal. About 2-3 hours after your last meal, the body activates a process called the migrating motor complex. The MMC can be likened to the street sweeper of the intestines. Basically sweeping out unwanted debris out of the body via the small and large intestine. This is an important self-cleaning process the body needs to stay healthy and to keep gut bacteria in their rightful place. Snacking inhibits this process, leading to gut issues like bloating, funky poos, heartburn and even SIBO. Stress will also deactivate this process....hence the term "rest and digest".

Regular snacking decreases fat burning:

When you eat a meal, your body produces insulin. Insulin is a hormone that transports sugar molecules from your food into your cells who need it for energy. Constant snacking and grazing particularly on carb rich foods causes insulin to linger in the body. Insulin switches off fat burning (because it's a storage hormone). Constant long term insulin production eventually leads to insulin resistance, inflammation, type 2 diabetes, weight gain especially around the middle, high cholesterol and high blood pressure.

Tips for improving your digestion and metabolism:
1. Aim for 3 main meals per day with a 4-5 hour break between meals.
2. Each meal should contain a healthy balance of vegetables, fibre, fruit, healthy protein, grains (if applicable) and fats. The right balance will keep you feeling satisfied between meals.
3. Mindful eating. Eating on the run, at your desk or whilst scrolling on your phone is not a good idea. Sit quietly and enjoy your meal for a minimum of 20-30 minutes.
4. Ensure to drink adequate amounts of pure filtered water based on your body weight. Only drink pure water between meals (or hot water if it's cold).

These are just a few tips I share in my metabolic balance ® program.

An individualized nutrition program developed just for you and based on your own unique blood chemistry.

"When you learn how to eat properly for your unique body type…

  • Your ideal weight is easier to maintain,

  • You have more energy,

  • You sleep better,

  • Experience less brain fog and

  • our skin glows and you feel amazing in your own skin"

    If you're sick of the dieting merry-go round, and looking for a purely wholefood solution. Let's chat!

    Book your free Metabolic Balance ® Discovery call